I was in Tulsa, Ok when I first started talking to a room mate of mine in a halfway house. We formed a sister bond and I started studying at her family’s house. Her Dad, Brother Black, got to baptize me. They are family to me now. Sister Black is like a mother to me. I am so glad I found the truth and I believe Heavenly Father put my friend and I in the same place for her light to shine so that I would come to Him. She is my close friend now. I am living in Newton, KS now and have found a wonderful LDS meeting here. I have found that no matter where you go you will always be treated as family. God has been so good to me. Sarah Wallace
Author Archives: rkm

Kerstin Hansen
I love this Gospel. It’s true! I really didn’t gain my testimony til I was about 16 when I lived in Okinawa, Japan and had to speak up about my faith a lot. I learned then how much I took things concerning the Gospel for granted. I have grown to love it so much. I know that our Heavenly Father talks to us today and that we have a prophet leading and guiding the Church today. I know that my Heavenly Father is always with me. I talk to Him a lot and He has answered prayers for me and lead me to where I am today. I know that He never leaves me alone when I ask for His help and comfort. Pres. Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet today! Joseph Smith did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. There’s no denying that. The Book of Mormon is the true word of God. This Gospel is true and amazing! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Bonnie Johnson
Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle that has ever come to this world, and my cup of gratitude will always be full. He suffered for this world with an unbreakable love, and He’s shown us the way home through His blood and sacrifice. I can’t even begin to imagine the love He has for us. It’s remarkable. To lay down your life, and take upon you every sin or pain of this world … it’s without words. And to some, it may be beyond belief. But, I’ll stand any day to bear witness of Him – of His love, and His atonement. I’ve felt Him in my life time after time, and I know, I know without a doubt that He did indeed die for us. And after that, He rose again, as the prime example for all nations. He made it possible for us to return, and He promised to be with us every step of the way. He is with us, and – no matter the state of the world, or the people around us – He will never leave. I know that I can always turn to Him, as we all can, and when you call he will answer. I love Him, and He is my Savior – yesterday, today, and forever.
Lavonda V.
I would like to share my testimony. For over a year I was just going through the motions at church, during Sacrament. Then in November my husband of 15 years left me. I quit going to church for a while. Then a friend asked me to go to her ward in December, I went, but I was still going through the motions and not living the Word of Wisdom, etc. Then I went to Calfornia for Christmas to spend it with my family. My sister had told me that when I moved back to California, as long as I was in her house I would go to her church (I am the only member in my family). I didn’t feel right about this. So I came home and on December 27th of last year, I got down on my knees and poured my heart out to Heavenly Father. At that very moment, I rededicated myself to the church and to my marriage. That is when Heavenly Father promised me that my husband would return to me and to the church. The blessings that I have received have been amazing. Although my husband has not returned yet, I am faithful in going to church, reading my scriptures, attending all church meetings, and saying my prayers every morning and night. I put our names on the Temple Prayer rolls every 2 weeks, and pay my tithes regularly. Heavenly Father has given me signs of my husband’s return, and I know that because of Heavenly Father and my faith that my husband’s heart is starting to soften and he will be home soon. I do know that as long as he is in the situation he is currently in, he can’t truly repent and receive the blessings from Heavenly Father. I have truly forgiven him and will take him back and love him with all that is in me. Heavenly Father has given me friends that I would have never let myself be friends with before, He has given me a GREAT Visiting Teacher and Home Teacher. And every day I ask Heavenly Father for a scripture that would be for me that day. The one that I got on December 27th is the one that still applies to me most of the time. D&C 6:22-24.
Thank you for letting me share my testimony on here. I have been able to bear my testimony twice now in my home ward (which I had left when my husband left. I had even told my husband that if anything ever happened to him I would quit going to church) and I am so grateful for the church, Heavenly Father and this page.
Laney Peacock, her last testimony while in the flesh
I wanted to share my daughter’s testimony with you. I am sure she would share it if she could. She passed away in a hiking accident last August at the age of 20. Her testimony was found on the last page in the journal she had finished at the end of July ( she started a new one afterwards). What is remarkable about it, is that she was speaking TO us, in second person. Her testimony has already affected thousands of people. We printed it up and put it in her funeral program. The Mormon Times did a story about her, and so did the Church News.Here is a link to her testimony in PDF: http://media.bonnint.net/slc/2495/249509/24950918.pdf