Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle that has ever come to this world, and my cup of gratitude will always be full. He suffered for this world with an unbreakable love, and He’s shown us the way home through His blood and sacrifice. I can’t even begin to imagine the love He has for us. It’s remarkable. To lay down your life, and take upon you every sin or pain of this world … it’s without words. And to some, it may be beyond belief. But, I’ll stand any day to bear witness of Him – of His love, and His atonement. I’ve felt Him in my life time after time, and I know, I know without a doubt that He did indeed die for us. And after that, He rose again, as the prime example for all nations. He made it possible for us to return, and He promised to be with us every step of the way. He is with us, and – no matter the state of the world, or the people around us – He will never leave. I know that I can always turn to Him, as we all can, and when you call he will answer. I love Him, and He is my Savior – yesterday, today, and forever.