Author Archives: JULIE GEDDES

Carmelina Gainor

I,1502476_10151915650517476_1100335729_n Know that GOD, JESUS and The HOLY GHOST ARE REAL and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Is JESUS Church. I Know THEY Love Us. I Know We have a PROPHET his name is Thomas S. Monson. He Speaks The Word of GOD. I Love My Family and I Know We Can Live Together Forever. Let’s Obey. In JESUS Name. Amen.

Angelica De los Santos

As a daughter of our Heavenly Father, I know that we have been sent here on earth to be tested. He loves each and every one of us. And He wants us to Help and Serve one another. I am so much greatful that my family have come to know of the gospel. It’s been a blessing for us. I know that our Father in Heaven have a wonderful plan for us. He knows that WE CAN Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we have been given the HOPE that we can comeback to Him again by sincerely repenting for our sins. I know that if we remain obedient and steadfast, we will come to see and live with the presence of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ. The time is Now for us to prepare, repent for our sins and also to daily find an opportunity to share the Restored Gospel to every one. He will always help us as we do His work, do what He wants us to do and be what He wants us to be if we will be true seekers.


Danae McGinn

My testimony is currently in a struggle to become stronger. I almost gave up a couple times. But I buckled down. Decided to hang on for just a little longer. Find out what I really believe. My testimony has flourished. I discovered the truth of the scriptures, their fortifying strength, and how accurately they apply to me. I learned that prayer is the best medicine. Nothing compares to the feeling I get when I sincerely pray and the Spirit offers comfort. Most of all, I discovered the power of the  Atonement and of my Heavenly Father’s great love for me. I have felt His forgiveness so much in these last few months. And I am so grateful for that healing power. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Gifty Afrane-Okese

1014195_618538404845040_139979385_n I know the book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know prophet Monson is a true prophet of God chosen in this our last dispensation. I know prophet Joseph Smith did saw God and His son Jesus Christ. I know the church is true because we have the fulness of the Gospel. I sustain all my leaders .I know my redeemer lives .I know God loves all His children. I believe in Temple work cuz is divine.In the name of our Lord and personal Savior Jesus Christ amen