Angelica De los Santos

As a daughter of our Heavenly Father, I know that we have been sent here on earth to be tested. He loves each and every one of us. And He wants us to Help and Serve one another. I am so much greatful that my family have come to know of the gospel. It’s been a blessing for us. I know that our Father in Heaven have a wonderful plan for us. He knows that WE CAN Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we have been given the HOPE that we can comeback to Him again by sincerely repenting for our sins. I know that if we remain obedient and steadfast, we will come to see and live with the presence of our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ. The time is Now for us to prepare, repent for our sins and also to daily find an opportunity to share the Restored Gospel to every one. He will always help us as we do His work, do what He wants us to do and be what He wants us to be if we will be true seekers.
