LaVonda HoneyGirl

946353_10151546125448796_813448410_n I will post my testimony here….Almost 2 years ago my now ex-husband announced that he had thought about leaving me for someone he hadn’t seen since high school (we are in our 50′s) but he realized that I still loved him. It took me a long time to start trusting him again, as he had told this other woman that he loved her. We tried working on our marriage and things “seemed” to be getting better. Then one day in November 2011 I went to work and 3 hours later I called home and there was no answer. I drove home and he was gone. Just talking about it now hurts. Any way, I prayed and tried to do whatever I needed to do to bring him back home. Nothing worked. Finally in April 2012, I was served with divorce papers…we talked a few times and even talked about him coming home. He said he would when he “fixed” himself. Well, this never came about. I honestly thought and felt I was supposed to stand for my marriage and not give up. Others kept trying to tell me to let go. At Christmas time I went to my daughter’s home and spent it with her family…and she could see how much I had been hurting but didn’t know how to talk to me about it. I finally got to the point of forgiving him completely and I could let go of the desire to have him come home again. I can honestly say, I gave him every chance to do this, but it wasn’t meant to be. I came to terms with this thanks to the support of many friends at church, from my youth, and facebook friends I became a stronger person and realized that I can do things on my own and I had given in to living alone the rest of my life. Well, Heavenly Father had different plans for me, I just had to let Him take control of my life and let go. Well, on January 4th of this year I opened up my e-mail and for some reason I felt like I should open up my spam folder, which I never do, I just delete it. In that spam folder was an e-mail from a man that I had dated in 1981 for a few months, we never forgot each other and we always eventually got in contact with one another. This time it was different, we had been talking before when my husband and I were still married, but we were friends and we knew that we could never be together because I would not do anything to destroy my marriage. So after my husband left we quit talking. That was in December of 2011. In this e-mail my old boyfriend once again apologized for hurting me back in 1981 and in 2011 when I needed him the most. He said I could call him if I wanted…I did. That weekend I went to my daughter’s again and she finally told me how she felt about my ex-husband (not her father) and she could see the change in me since I started talking to the man I have known since 1981, even my son-in-law told me that he has NEVER seen me happier. Fast forward to today…my divorce was final on 2-15 of this year. The man in my life now flew out to where I was living on 2-28 and we packed up the U-haul truck with help, and drove 2200 miles away. We are now planning our wedding. Had I not listened to Heavenly Father none of this would have happened. The day before he flew out to get me he had 2 feet of snow on the ground, the whole drive here, the weather was perfect. After we unloaded the truck, the next day the snow hit us again. Heavenly Father had this planned and once I listened to Him, everything fell into place. I am so thankful for Heavenly Father, for the prayers that were said on my behalf, for my family loving me through it all, for my friends encouragement, for the church I belong to and their support and the love and support of groups like this. Dale had been through exactly what I have been through. He knows the hurt, the heartache, the fear of trying again. But he also knows that we were always meant to be together, we just had to let Heavenly Father take over. When we did, everything fell in to place. And the first time we spoke on the phone again after over a year, we both knew that we wanted to be together and this was our 2nd chance. Heavenly Father prepared the way for us. And every day we are thankful for this.