Sandra Christopherson

I find it easier to bear my testimony as I go along. It’s gotten kind of big, and I have a hard time expressing it. I say all the usual things in testimony meeting. You know, the five big ones – God is real. Heavenly Father answers prayers, Jesus is our Savior, Joseph really saw the things he said he did, the Book of Mormon is true, and ??? I forget the last one, the Church is true? President Monson is a true prophet, and the Priesthood has been restored to the earth, and revelation is continuing……the Holy Ghost is real and accessible for everyone. The temple is the most beautiful place on earth and anyone can go if they comply with the requirements, like a Hawaiian vacation – you have to have a ticket that you have paid the price for. That is just the tip of the iceberg for me. We already discussed Satan. I know he is real. I know that the scriptures are true. Hmm…. I’ll leave it at that.397794_287231644671577_1784979164_n