Carrie Lynn Densley

After Jesus was crucified and following the 3 days of darkness and destruction that covered the earth; Christ shows himself to the people on the America continent. God testifies of His Sons Divinity. The people are amazed & astonished! Christ tells them to arise, He teaches, heals & blesses them. Christ shows them mighty miracles, the people rejoice, and know that He is Christ the Lord!- 3rd Nephi – Chapter 11

Why did our Father in Heaven give us the Book of Mormon along with the Bible? Because together they complete Gods word and will. Together they give us the fullness of His gospel. Heavenly Father promised us further light and knowledge and He kept that promise. The Book of Mormon is true and goes hand in hand with the Bible. Together they testify of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Gail Jones Jensen Wickers

I' width= I’m so Thankful..and Eternally Grateful for a Heavenly Father that answers my heartfelt prayers and inquiries. Yet again being blessed with peace as I thought through a bothersome topic.. The Church IS True! The Gospel HAS been Restored! And Jesus Christ IS at The Head of it. for the building up of The Kingdom of God

Sarah Hanselmann


I have had a rough journey to get to where I am today. I joined the Church at the age of 9 years old. I basically joined the church on the faith of my parents and I was a strong church goer until I hit my 20’s and then I fell away for a while on and off again. I never really lost the faith in the church but lost my way for a while it was through the love, prayers, friendship, and family being patience. I always had felt like something was missing in my life during that time. While I wasn’t attending church my younger brother got extremely sick and we were scared that we would lose him. It was at that time that our ward had a special fast and prayer meeting for him. I will never forget leaving him at the hospital to drive home and feeling so concerned for him. I went down early the next day which happened to be Sunday and also the weekend pf the fast for my brother. We as a family hadn’t thought about it since our main concern was for my brother. I got down to the Hospital and walked into my brother’s room in the ICU and noticed that he was off the majority to all of the machine that were helping his heart keep going and other organs work. It was at that time that my testimony of prayer was cemented and I would never doubt again of the power of prayer and how it helps in any situation no matter how small. I still didn’t return to church but that is one moment in time that started me on my way back. It wasn’t until I went to church and I sat at the back of the Relief Society listening to the lesson when the spirit hit me so hard that I knew this was the part that was missing from my life and I needed to come back to church. I slowly started making an effort to start attending church again and almost 2 years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Endometrial cancer. It was at that time that I knew I couldn’t make it thru without help from my Heavenly Father. After finding out I had cancer I went off by myself and had a conversation with my Heavenly Father and gave my life over to him. I knew that he would take care of me and I gave the outcome to him. I then felt like I was in it for the ride. I had felt complete peace and knew whatever happened was meant to be. The funny thing happened is that I ended up comforting the people that cared for me and tried to put them at ease because I knew I would be okay. My Doctor was more concerned than I was about me making it through the surgery. I just had a peace about me that unless you have felt it is hard to describe. It was also at that time that my faith in the Lord had begun to grow by leaps and bounds. My main concern is that my family would be taken care of while I was in the hospital. I had taken over a lot of my Mom’s duties in the home because due to a stroke and having MS she was wheelchair bound and so I was the cook, errand runner, tried to keep up the house and worked full time. That is when the Relief Society stepped in and said they would help with meals and with anything else that I might need help with. I went thru the surgery and my Visiting Teachers and Home Teachers and other ward members help with meals and more if needed. It was then that I had time to sit and reevaluate my life and I knew that I needed to make the effort to really get my spiritual life back in order. It was at that time that I decided to break off my engagement to a man that I had been engaged to on and off again. We had our differences and I just knew that I needed to get on with my life without him so I could grow. Due to a knee injury I lost my job the next year and felt it was the perfect time to make more changes in my life for the better and so I started talking to my Bishop and that is when I found out that more people than knew were aware of my situation and had been praying for me and it was at that time that I had felt more loved and cared for than I had in my life. I was never one to share what was going on in my life with people but to know that they were aware of my struggles and wanted a better life for me meant so much to me. Today I can honestly say that I have a firm testimony that my Heavenly Father loves me and people are sent to you when you need them the most and it isn’t by chance that they are in your life. I also believe if it weren’t for the prayers of my friends, family and countless others I wouldn’t be on the road I am today. I have also learned that you can’t take people for granted and you need to take that time to be of service to one another and not just tell those you love them but also show them thru your actions. I’m still working on things but I know I’m meant to be where I am and I know that the church is true without a doubt. I’m finally taking time to work on some goals that improve me as an individual and strengthen my testimony of the scriptures. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for helping me along the path and putting those people in my life to help me along when I needed them the most. I am so grateful for my life and the knowledge I have of the gospel and the plan of salvation. I’m also thankful for my Patriarchal Blessing and the guidance it has given me in my life. I love it so. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Heather Moore Spears

I have been a member for over 23 years-the best years of my life. Life has not always been easy- it never is, yet inner peace has been my constant companion, no matter what happens in my life. I know that my Savior lives and loves me and all of His creations. All of us belong to Him, whether we choose Him or not. When your time comes to choose, you will feel so blessed. I love the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide me in my personal life- the one friend that I can ever depend upon. I know that there truly is a living prophet today who represents the Savior-there always has been one when the gospel was on the earth. I know that God has not changed, that His commandments protect us and are always dependable, even in a frighteningly changing society. People change, life changes, society changes the rules, yet the Lord does not change. He is constant. He is well aware of how the world is changing. There are new blessings and technology in our lives. These forces increase our power to choose good or evil. He must allow us freedom to choose. May we handle the choices wisely and for good and, if we have not, make the course corrections in our lives that will bring us true joy and peace that is not pretended in any way. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen…I love this gospel with all of my heart, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen


Vida Ocansey

I 483506_300394486745181_1550424878_nknow our redeemer lives that Jesus Christ is the son of God…I know we really have a living prophet called of God to lead us through this dispensation. My testimony remains the same in Jesus name amen