Heather Moore Spears

I have been a member for over 23 years-the best years of my life. Life has not always been easy- it never is, yet inner peace has been my constant companion, no matter what happens in my life. I know that my Savior lives and loves me and all of His creations. All of us belong to Him, whether we choose Him or not. When your time comes to choose, you will feel so blessed. I love the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide me in my personal life- the one friend that I can ever depend upon. I know that there truly is a living prophet today who represents the Savior-there always has been one when the gospel was on the earth. I know that God has not changed, that His commandments protect us and are always dependable, even in a frighteningly changing society. People change, life changes, society changes the rules, yet the Lord does not change. He is constant. He is well aware of how the world is changing. There are new blessings and technology in our lives. These forces increase our power to choose good or evil. He must allow us freedom to choose. May we handle the choices wisely and for good and, if we have not, make the course corrections in our lives that will bring us true joy and peace that is not pretended in any way. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen…I love this gospel with all of my heart, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen